Monday, September 8, 2008

Feet of Clay

today i feel suffocated
I'm not really sure why, i think its a restlessness
a longing for a place i cant quite get my finger on
all i know is that its far away, its new and exciting, its intoxicating, it may be a bit smelly though...

it feels like that unpleasant moment of the drinking day when, after hours of quality lying in the gutter time, you're beginning to feel the retribution of sobriety while still being drunk enough to make it worse

i glare angrily at my car which now, cant help me leave

i resent the school which will eventually help me to rise above the monotony. it is mean and out
to stop me from seeing what needs to be watched

i especially despise the bank, which for some reason finds it amusing to swallow my money, render me broke, and send letters to my dreams of leaving that cause them to commit suicide

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